Here a list of my book(s) that are already published plus a sneaky peek of the book projects I work on. Listed are first the published ones, then the upcoming ones and finally the project(s) I am working on.

Cover of my German book ;-)
Lovingly called throughout this blog “Book 1 (German Edition)” is a non-fiction travel guide dealing with what to take and not to take when walking the Camino de Santiago. As most of my readers will not be able to read German, I don’t bother you by posting links to all the places where it is available ;-) In case you do read German, just type in “Pilgertipps Yates” into your favorite online bookseller and chances are good that you will find it there. Hint, Amazon works best, but also Kobo and the Smahswords Premium catalogue have it …
Coming Soon (~April 2013) Published April 2013
For those of you that use English as their main form of communication and are interested in the Camino the Santiago there is good news. “Book 1 (English Edition)” is now with my co-author, proofreader and editor and should be published in all its glory in April 2013. As soon as it is, I will add the links for your convenience ;-) is now published and available, both as print and Kindle editions at Amazon! Handy links below ;-) Oh, I left the cover the same, just translating the text on it, obviously.
>>> Link to my book<<< >>> Link to my book<<<
Book Projects
– Translations: As my book is doing well in the German market, and hopefully will do equally well in the English market, I have already tied up with some more translators to get the other language versions out this year. Look forward to seeing it in Spanish, Dutch and hopefully also French.
– Next book to write? Novels, short stories, another non-fiction book? Who knows! I have many ideas, but so far none of the projects has reached the “feeling right to do this” stage yet. The most likely candidate, at least the moment, is a collection of short stories centring around a specific place and time on the Camino de Santiago. I’ll tell you more if I see things clearer for myself …
Hi Ms. Yates,
I’m planning on walking the Camino de Santiago in the Spring 2014, and I just finished reading your book about packing tips, etc. If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you a question about backpacks.
Would you please give me some more description about the type of backpack I should be looking for (or if you could, send me a photo or some sort of url links)? The reason I’m asking is that I’m somewhat of an ignoramus what it comes to this type of equipment, and, without more details, I would probably buy something completely inappropriate like a backpack that one might carry one’s schoolbooks in.
Thanks so much,
Hi Joseph,
I am off to holidays / vacations in a few hours (not the Camino, just some local hiking), here a very quick reply, will write more when I am back:
The type of backpack you are normally looking for the Camino is called “internal frame backpack” like >>>THIS HERE< << But as I wrote in my book, it is important that you try it out before you buy it, if at all possible. Hope that helps for the moment, SY
PS Many thanks for buying my book, I hope you liked it ;-)